Damn... LOL
This is where I write about myself. But fuck that. Read the news posts, those are better.
Age 34, Male
BC , Canada
Joined on 8/7/08
Damn... LOL
Love you too...
You sperm wrangling, cum gargling anal conquistador! You pirate of of the vas deferens, man-naise sucking, pole dancing, cock slurping faggot! You muthafukka! You're the goddamn prison flea that stole my bibulous handout! (Stolen from "It's the Great Dolemite Charlie Brown")
And yeah, this is more insults than cursing. Cursing is simple. Fuck, cunt, shit, ass, bitch, fag, fucktard, etc. But to use those words and other adjectives while putting a muthafukka in their place, that is an art.
Indeed it is. My favourite example was some jackass girl the other day trying to make a fat joke about me taking up 3 beds when I lay down (I'm only a buck 75 lmao), I told her at least I haven't slept in 7 different people's beds this summer
Shut your dick-hole, cock sneeze! -Your lips quiver like a duck's vagina! -I've seen better execution at your mom's abortion. -Nice hat, douche bag.
-Yeah? Fuck you cunt!
When I insult:
1) Make a statement that makes little, to no sense at all, but creates vivid imagery. What does a quivering duck vagina look like? hmm... good question.
2) Have little to no sensitivity towards one's beliefs or morals.
3) Adding a "douche bag" or a "cunt" to any phrase is always a good addition to amplify the damage.
Sound advice there Mickey
-Your mom-.
shit! i just shit my pants! ahh piss that fuck ass bitch just fucked with me! haha.. did i swear right?
lol, sure
I always think it's fun to add that little creative flair by making up words.
For example, your mom is fuckalicious.
Does that word exist?
No, but it definitely gets the point across.
very true
Since when did cursing needed "originality"
the entire purpose is to add emphasis to a statement that requires attention
all tho this was clearly a joke (wich i found quite humorus)
ive heard it b4
and swering either way is somthing that shouldn't have any style to it and should be done comfortably and repetivly to clearly address w/e subject you would like your audiance to pay attention too
if for one....Fucking love cursing
shit is ill
agree with me? xD
Haha, cussing itself can be done without style. But insults need style :) . So, I will agree with what you said
Insults do need style...
ur absolutly right mutha fucka xD
haha, I still love the classic Monty Python one: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries
my personal favourite is...
Your mums so fat when she jumped in the air she got stuck!
my own personal lil one to keep a kid quiet while he thinks of the ultimate comeback but ends up runnin home to his fat ass mum
while he then says the next day "your fat"
AND THEN!! lol
u reply wana kkow why im fat because everytime i fuck your mother she gives me a cookie
HAHA! Very nice!
"You make the term 'intelligent life' into an oxymoron, you fucking paramecium brained cum dumpster"
very win