I took this from my author comments on Time Marches on because I'd like to see further discussion on this.
What is our one enemy, no matter who we are, no matter what we've done, no matter what our plans are? Time. With every passing second, our lives become shorter. And no matter what we do, we can not halt the progress of time. Our mental defenses, our mental conditioning, our hopes, our dreams, our achievements, our failures, our high points, our low points. All of these are brutally shoved away in due course by the relentless army of passing existence.
Every moment we have had has come to an end. Every moment we will have will come to an end. There is an old proverb that says that success is never permanent, and failure is never final. However, many have tried to fight against the tide that is represented by the clock. All have failed, and this failure is permanent. It is our unconquerable enemy, our immeasurable obstacle, our great equalizer. You cannot run from it, for you will find that although you can theoretically dilate time, this is only relative to everyone else. Time still matches you, step, by agonizing step.
It has brought an end to empires, civilizations, species, and has changed the face of our entire universe. Yet it does not tire. It marches on. Step, by step, by step, by step.
Every moment we waste is gone. Every second worrying is a second wasted. Time spent idle is time cast away with abandon without thought that we will never again see that moment. We become locked in a routine, forgetting that every moment is unique.
Some seek to do as much as they can in the short time they have, while missing out on the enjoyment, as they are so caught up in doing everything that they neglect themselves and their own souls. They do not reflect, they do not enjoy, they just do. Others get caught up in the same small bubble their entire lives, not thinking of everything they are missing. Still others choose to over reflect every moment. They take every moment and cherish it, but forget that reflection and inner wisdom both come from experience. Somewhere in there the balance exists, between experience, comfort, and contemplation. I know it exists because I have created it.
Have I found it? No. I do not even know where I placed it. I created the right balance for me. Now my quest is to find it. Just as your quest is to find the balance that you have already created that will make you happiest.
However, I know one thing. When my clock winds down, and I hear the footsteps of that unstoppable army, I will not panic. I will not worry myself in a futile attempt to escape from the army's clutches. Nor will I attempt to fight an unwinnable battle. I will turn, face the army, and accept the fate that has befallen all of our ancestors.
Time is our most precious commodity, do not waste it.
May your quest be exhilarating, enjoyable, educational and thought-provoking.
~Mike Simpson AKA Wyze-Stingray
I never think of time.
Ironically enough, that likely means that you get the most out of time.