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Mike @Blasphem-E

Age 34, Male

BC , Canada

Joined on 8/7/08

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Taken from Time Marches On

Posted by Blasphem-E - January 4th, 2010

I took this from my author comments on Time Marches on because I'd like to see further discussion on this.

What is our one enemy, no matter who we are, no matter what we've done, no matter what our plans are? Time. With every passing second, our lives become shorter. And no matter what we do, we can not halt the progress of time. Our mental defenses, our mental conditioning, our hopes, our dreams, our achievements, our failures, our high points, our low points. All of these are brutally shoved away in due course by the relentless army of passing existence.

Every moment we have had has come to an end. Every moment we will have will come to an end. There is an old proverb that says that success is never permanent, and failure is never final. However, many have tried to fight against the tide that is represented by the clock. All have failed, and this failure is permanent. It is our unconquerable enemy, our immeasurable obstacle, our great equalizer. You cannot run from it, for you will find that although you can theoretically dilate time, this is only relative to everyone else. Time still matches you, step, by agonizing step.

It has brought an end to empires, civilizations, species, and has changed the face of our entire universe. Yet it does not tire. It marches on. Step, by step, by step, by step.

Every moment we waste is gone. Every second worrying is a second wasted. Time spent idle is time cast away with abandon without thought that we will never again see that moment. We become locked in a routine, forgetting that every moment is unique.

Some seek to do as much as they can in the short time they have, while missing out on the enjoyment, as they are so caught up in doing everything that they neglect themselves and their own souls. They do not reflect, they do not enjoy, they just do. Others get caught up in the same small bubble their entire lives, not thinking of everything they are missing. Still others choose to over reflect every moment. They take every moment and cherish it, but forget that reflection and inner wisdom both come from experience. Somewhere in there the balance exists, between experience, comfort, and contemplation. I know it exists because I have created it.

Have I found it? No. I do not even know where I placed it. I created the right balance for me. Now my quest is to find it. Just as your quest is to find the balance that you have already created that will make you happiest.

However, I know one thing. When my clock winds down, and I hear the footsteps of that unstoppable army, I will not panic. I will not worry myself in a futile attempt to escape from the army's clutches. Nor will I attempt to fight an unwinnable battle. I will turn, face the army, and accept the fate that has befallen all of our ancestors.

Time is our most precious commodity, do not waste it.

May your quest be exhilarating, enjoyable, educational and thought-provoking.

~Mike Simpson AKA Wyze-Stingray


I never think of time.

Ironically enough, that likely means that you get the most out of time.

Those are some wise words, and your absoultutely right. Time is something that just goes on and on in the world, never stopping, and goes in one direction: Forward. Even if people try to go against time, they fail, as you said. Thats why we need to use our time wisely, becuase we only have so much of it.


yea my quality got worse over the years
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/301368">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/301368</a>
lmfao! get outta here wit dat bullshit, just get mad like you usually do and 0 me like you and your pussyboi friends do everyday.

Rofl, mad? Nah. 0 Bomb? Nah. Amused? Yes/

ohhh man.. and i just saw ur picture.. (i gotta spell dis shit out)... laughing my fucking ass off!!!!!!!!!!!!! wigga!! u look like the older version of michael cera on PCP!!! LMAO!!!IM OUT.. TOO EZY -1-

I don't even look remotely like I'm trying to be black in that picture. So I don't know what you are talking about. However, if we are talking about pictures, I should point out that anything you've shown NG makes you look like that lonely 15 year old in high school who just wants to fit in with the cool kids. Dumbass.

n***a im 18.. lmao real talk u need to get these lil rumors out ur head cuz you lookin maaad stupid rofl u a joke wyze

I said you looked 15, not that you are 15. I couldn't give two fucks how old you are, you're still an imbecile who's tainting my page with his idiocy.

Wyze, who the fuck is this clown? GTFO man. Listen, stop bitching and grow some balls. I bet your mom won't want to have to wipe those tears for you so back the fuckup before you get smacked the fuckup.

Fool. you're 18. You ain't cool. Stop boasting your music as the shit and learn to rap. I'm some fucking random white kid who's never rapped before and I bet you my freestyle is better than your written verse.

Look! I sounds like you now!

Rofl. Well played sir

I can't rap? & wyze can? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell that to SCOE & lenny S bitch n***az.. i dont care wut a pussy ass wyteboi like u think,.. cuz im gettin paid off dis shit.. yall sum pussy n***az.. u cant get ur point across to me on ur own so u go to ur nerd friends to talk shit... U can say w/e u want but ppl kno i bring dat real muzik.. NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDS

ROFL you really want to talk about SCOE? Dude, each of my first 3 tracks on wemix got that message from him. Dude hits up anybody. He's just looking for someone to sucker into giving him money. So gtfo.

Wow, sorry Wyze but I gotta get at Ses here: Why do you always come with so much hate? Especially to other people's pages?
Look man, if you think you're dope, that's cool. You're in America, so you have the right to Freedom of Speech and all that happy shit. But the behavior you're showing is egocentric, nihilistic, conceited and rude.
If you really made a lot of money from your music, you wouldn't be on NG promoting your tracks.
So level with everybody, including yourself, and be honest. You know that nobody like people who are self-obSESsed dicks. So stop being one. Continuing to do so will only be a hindrance to any musical career you aspire to.

Also, Wyze, get at me about something I have written along the lines of this post. I think they go together hand in hand.


Good points. Doing so now

lmao gasmasq.. i laugh at ur ignorance bruh.. google me, get on my level. like i said ur proving my point even more wyze showin how much of a pussy u r sendin ppl to fight ur own battles.. its sad.. u cant be a man in real life nor the internet lmfao.. and i gotta big egooooooooo so wat.. i can back it up

Rofl, I'm sending nobody to do my battles. Just because other people jump on board does not mean I can't fight my own battles.

And who the fuck are you to make a comment on who's a man? Dude, you're fake, through and through. Whatever happened to working with DJ Khaled? Whatever happened to 5g's a beat? Whatever happened to giving Cajete your address? Dawg, so many people here have proven you fake. So many people have beaten you.

You got run off of NG dude, you weren't supposed to come back, that was the deal made in vent.

Also, who are you to talk about getting respect from the streets, you yourself said you don't fuck with that drug money.

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/l isten/175737

And stop claiming you know people that you don't. IE., the runners, Johnny Juliano, etc.

As for googling you, I did, and I got this guy first: http://www.myspace.com/sesdinero

bill i say what i feel and careless if other peoples feelings get hurt by it. you can go off sayin "n***a" i could careless cuz chico's say it. but when a dude like wyze say "i cant rap" of course imma back my shit up (cuz this dude is garbage compared to me) i dont get downgraded by lames... when a nerd like wyze come at me who can rarely make beats and deliver a verse right.. insult me, of course imma shut him the fuck up

and yea bill, i respect you..but stay outta dis.. (this is exactly why ng is on some bullshit.. look at what a convo from me to wyze escalated to... wyze-stingray, your a grade A pussy) E-jumping n***az lmfao

How you going to shut me the fuck up? Apparently, you don't pay attention, so go up and read what I said to you earlier.

And rofl at e-jumping. People are going to say what they will man, I'm not telling them to do anything.

O, and for the record, you started shit.

I laugh at ur ignorance.. fuck dj khaled, he stoled one of nino's beats.. and of course i couldve sold a beat for 5gs.. U DONT KNOW SHIT! lmao only my n***a caliberthebutcher know the story. all yall dudes is going by rumors.. and cajete's a bitch n***a (you should know this by now), word went around that his address was fake so i didnt bother wastin gas.. plus.. he was the n***a that wanted to meet up n fade me.. i gave him da location and then he switches it over say im suppose to go after him...anybody in south end of florida knows ghouls is da hood.. nobody wouldve found out, no crackas or dts (none of dat) cuz shit happen there on the regular. but hes a pussy n***a n wouldnt kno about dat. once again.. yall r all n***az who look up to people who play world of warcraft then call themself g's.. and you call me fake? look in the mirror.. matter fact, look at urself rofl! "i don't talk that drug money" yea of course i said that (and im glad i did that was probably the wisest move i made cuz for all i know yall n***az can be some snitches, i dont trust dudes on the internet unless i met you in person).. im not shoutout wit my shit. all yall n***az fake so yall wouldn't kno about da trap life.

pussy n***a i never said i knew the runners.. i said i got connects with cool & dre u fucking idiot. lmfao once again get cha facts str8 and of course i know jonny.. i talk to him every now and then, but u wouldnt kno about that cuz u a LAMMMMMMMMMMMMME!

If I was so wack.. I wouldn't be working with people you dreamed to work with.. wake up in reality bruh you ain't going nowhere outside ng.
u cyber geeks are funny.. it's like you consider the internet "the streets" or something. go outside!

(lol im having fun proving u wrong)

lol at anybody wanting to steal anything from RMP. And I never said shit about looking up to cajete, I'm just saying you were too scared to give him your address.

Dude, you claimed to have met the runners in Miami. But whatever
And if you know Johnnie, how come when Merc talked to him, Johnnie had never even heard of you?

So who exactly is it I'm dreaming of working with anyways? And as has been said many times, I don't care about "the streets", that's not what I'm doing with my music.

ses lmao, you lie so much dog

mseemercury@yahoo.com: ight man well stay up nice talking to you bro, you r my favorite producer period
JJulianoGotHitz: I def appreicate that
mseemercury@yahoo.com: btw do you know dj ses?
JJulianoGotHitz: nope
mseemercury@yahoo.com: lmao
mseemercury@yahoo.com: dude is a liar
JJulianoGotHitz: who is he
mseemercury@yahoo.com: some dude who says he knows everybody lol

so you know johnny huh?


Wow...the arrogance here is ridiculous.

I would suggest Ses reads Wyze's essay. Stop wasting everyones time!

lol, again, well played

lmao gasmasq.. i laugh at ur ignorance bruh.. google me, get on my level. like i said ur proving my point even more wyze showin how much of a pussy u r sendin ppl to fight ur own battles.. its sad.. u cant be a man in real life nor the internet lmfao.. and i gotta big egooooooooo so wat.. i can back it up

Okay, Ses, I googled you. All I found was links to NG, Myspace, and this:
<a href="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h316/kungfusoda/newses.jpg">http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h31 6/kungfusoda/newses.jpg</a>

I like how you start off half of your posts with "I laugh at your ignorance", which isn't even grammatically correct. If you wanna get nerdy with it, we can go there. YOU SIR, are ignorant.

Honestly, this isn't even beef shit. I just like seeing you try to act like you're cool; like people love you. It's really funny to see your little 14 year old lil-wayne-wannabe ass try and hang with real emcees (and claim that you're BETTER than us! lol)

taken directly from your youtube channel:
I grew up in the studio [not the streets]
& do what I do best. [:lie]
I do it for the love of hip hop. [riiiight...]
I'll take publicity over money anyday.. [you'd take A FRIEND]
I want people to see my idea of Hip Hop. [we have. it's called 'shitty rap']
I used to DJ, so I know what hot tracks should sound like. [then why don't you make them?]
Now I'm a rapper/producer and only 17. [14]
I find myself to be a lyrical version of soulja boy [LOL ORLY NOW?]
except for the dancing and the FL stock sounding beats he makes [compared to UR fl stocks]
(no diss, just keeping it real). [aww you don't wanna hurt soulja boys feelings?]
But hey.. I wouldn't mind making a couple dollars off music. [find another career]
I would actually try to make a change to hip hop [by destroying it]
instead of wasting the money on a chain & champaigne. [why do you rap about those things?]
Not no ABC rhyme rappers. A label with some actual lyrical rappers.
Heck, or should I say lyricist. [Good luck finding any to work with you]
I am DJ Ses aka TheEyeOFMusiK/TEOM/&
The heart of the south. [HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA]
Holla@cha boy.
And if your interesting in talking business with me.
Hit me up on the myspace before anything. <a href="http://www.myspace.com/TheEyeOFmusiK">www.myspace.com/TheEyeOFmusiK</a>
Thanks & God bless

WELL GOD BLESS YOU TOO CUMFACE! hey, question, why, if you sell beats for $5gs, why are you advertising on Youtube? why do you only have FIVE subscribers if you're so popular? why does EVERYBODY HATE YOU?

see, real fans will come to your page and scope out what you have to say and if some stupid little 14 year old kid with a jerry curl is talking shit, they'll put him in his dumb n****r place.

yes, i said n****r. my race never enslave yours.

but, YES, I'd buy you on the black market so i could make you pick my beats. of course, i would then WHIP THE SHIT OUT OF YOU for picking the wrong one.

and fuck you billy. RACISM ROXX!! XD

Wow, again, ses gets blasted. I'm distinctly anti racist myself though

that's right. topic officially kilt. WUURDDZZ

Actually, that was likely done in an AIM convo.

wow i cant believe i began to read all this. i really thought i was hearing all this while reading. great typing and explanations everyone. great job and congrats!

Lol, it was amusing